Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So, last night the new season of Jon & Kate plus 8 started. It was so awful, I was almost in tears. I know that Kate is hard on Jon but seriously, if I had to stay home all day with 8 kids I would be like that too. I think Kate is a great mom and she admits that at times she's harsh, but that does NOT make it okay for her husband to be sneaking around with 23 year old women while she's gone supporting their family. Here is my opinion, if she really pisses you off that much.. say hey I want a divorce, separate and then go do whatever the fuck you want... but going out when she's out of town behind her back... yeah, smooth move. What I would be really upset about is that he left those kids at home with a sitter or something while he was out doing "his thang" with that girl. Anyways, the show was about the sextuplets 5th birthday, which Kate did by herself, go figure. When Jon got there he didn't say anything to Kate, just walked around her. Let me also point out that he was driving a Nissan 350z Nismo which you are around $50,000 and there is no way he can get his kids into that thing, also those pictures of him and that woman are in that car and SHES DRIVING IT. Thats great Jon use the money you and your wife earned to buy a car you let your whore drive, awesome. What really made me sad is that Leigh came up to give him a hug and he said "do you miss me" and she said "yeah daddy I don't want you to go away anymore." Talk about heartbreaker right there. I hope they work it out, they seemed so happy together. I doubt they'll get divorced though because he'll never make enough money to pay child support on all of those kids.

Kyle really needs to fix his hair, it looks like he's been wearing a hat for 4 days.


update: they got divorced damn it

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